Please read the following important information:
Activity: any of Fit2Swim’s service offerings, including parent-and-child classes, learn-to-swim classes, stroke correction classes, squad sessions, aqua sessions, private lessons and public swimming sessions.
Participant: anyone taking part in a Fit2Swim activity.
Customer: individual responsible for a participant, including enrolment and payment of a Fit2Swim activity.
Activities are offered as 9-11 week programs in line with school terms or one week holiday intensive programs during the school holidays.
There are four 9-11 week programs per calendar year aligned with the NSW public school term dates.
An additional 6 week program may be offered during the summer holiday period, depending on demand.
Holiday intensive programs run over five consecutive days.
Mid-term enrolments are welcome, subject to availability. Pro rata fees will be charged based on number of weeks remaining of the term and then continue as a normal enrolment.
For participants over the age of 3 years, customers must follow the self-assessment guidelines provided on the Fit2Swim enrolment page to self-select the appropriate level for a swim school participant. The customer should provide as accurate information as possible to enrol the participant in the appropriate level using the online enrolment guidance. Fit2Swim may move a new student to a more appropriate level after the first lesson. This may mean a change of day and/or time.
Fit2Swim may need to move a participant to a class at an alternative day and/or time due to class consolidation or an inappropriate class level. Fit2Swim will make every effort to accommodate a customer.
No assessments are required for students under the age of 3 years. Fit2Swim automatically enrols these children into one of the three parent-and-child classes: Fit 2 Bubble for under 1 year olds; Fit 2 Move for 1-2 year olds; or Fit 2 Splash for 2-3 year olds.
During enrolment, it is the customer’s full responsibility to disclose any special needs, learning difficulties, physical constraints or other special requirements of a participant that has the potential to affect their involvement in activities. If in doubt, customers should discuss the matter with Fit2Swim management. Disclosure of a participant’s special needs can be accompanied by medical certificates.
Term enrolments are automatically carried over at the start of week 8 of each term unless a customer notifies Fit2Swim that they wish to cancel. Customers receive an email reminder one week prior to rollover and a second reminder 24 hours before rollover. During this time customers must notify Fit2Swim if they do not want to continue the following term.
Part-term enrolments can be arranged in the instance of a planned absence during a term, subject to availability and with priority given to full term enrolments.
Classes are not scheduled on Public Holidays and are not included in term fees.
Fit2Swim accepts Active Kids vouchers for weekly programs. Holiday intensives don’t qualify for the rebate.
Customers should follow these steps to claim their rebate:
Email your child’s voucher to info@fit2swim.com with the words ACTIVE KIDS in the subject line.
Wait for confirmation Fit2Swim has applied $100 credit to your account.
Book your child into their weekly program.
Finalise payment.
Only one voucher can be used per program.
Programs are discounted up to the value of $100.
Customers are liable to pay the full cost of a program should a voucher prove invalid, e.g. already redeemed for another activity.
An enrolment is confirmed once full payment of the activity fee is received.
Participants will not be allowed to take part in activities until Fit2Swim has received full payment of the activity fee.
All payments are made by direct debit, including one-off payments such as holiday intensive programs and swim gear purchases from the Fit2Swim service desk.
Due to the recurring nature of services and products purchased at Fit2Swim, customer credit card or bank account information is retained on file for ease of payment. If a customer does not want their payment details kept on file, they can have them removed by contacting Fit2Swim.
Credit card or bank account information is stored in encoded format in accordance with Fit2Swim’s Data Protection Policy (below).
During term enrolment rollover in Week 7, payments are automatically deducted via direct debit unless cancelled (see terms under Current Enrolments).
It is the customer’s responsibility to have sufficient cleared funds available in their account to cover the payment of fees, including at term rollover. The customer may be liable for dishonour fees if their financial institution returns a debit item unpaid.
All payment details are managed by the customer using the customer portal. If customer direct debit information changes, the customer must update their payment details via the customer portal.
If a customer wants to dispute a debit item, they can contact their financial institution and/or Fit2Swim. Fit2Swim will attempt to resolve the dispute within five business days. The customer will be liable for any chargeback fee if the disputed item is found to have been a valid debit.
Purchase of items at the Fit2Swim service desk will be deducted automatically by direct debit within 6 hours.
Customers must notify Fit2Swim of absences and/or book make-up lessons via the customer portal
Fit2Swim cannot accept notification of absences and/or booking make-up lessons via phone, text, email or verbally to pool staff.
Customers must provide at least 24 hours’ notice of an absence to receive a make-up voucher.
Absences can be noted up to 30 days in advance. Please contact Fit2Swim if beyond 30 days.
Once an absence has been recorded it cannot be reversed.
It is the customer’s responsibility to book a make-up lesson.
One make-up lesson is permitted for each absence, subject to availability.
A maximum of two make-up lessons are allowed per student per weekly course per term.
Make-ups do not apply to holiday intensive programs.
Make-up lessons can only be booked up to one week in advance.
Make-up lessons do not have to be booked at the same time as submitting an absence, but the absence must be recorded first.
Make-up lessons are confirmed at the time of booking and viewable in the customer portal.
Make-up lessons must be taken in the same term as the corresponding absences. Make-up lessons cannot be carried forward into the next term or holiday program.
Booked make-up lessons cannot be altered. The lesson will be forfeited if not attended or cancelled.
Make-up lessons must be taken at the student’s current or assessed level.
Make-up lessons cannot be guaranteed, and options may be restricted during busy periods.
Make-up lessons owing cannot be transferred to a sibling or another student.
Swim passes allow a participant to attend the swim centre for recreational or lap swimming during specified public swimming times. Swim passes are not valid for entry to the pool outside those times.
Swim passes can be purchased in blocks of 20 and expire after 12 months.
One pass is required per participant. For example, a family of four attending one public swimming session will require four passes.
It is the Customer's responsibility to choose the correct learn-to-swim level when self-enrolling. Fit2Swim provides detailed descriptions and videos to guide a Customer when enrolling, as well as the opportunity to check with a Fit2Swim staff member. If a Customer has chosen an inappropriate level, Fit2Swim will endeavour to find an alternative class at the right level. However, if no alternative can be found, Fit2Swim does not provide a credit or refund of fees.
Once a participant is enrolled, there are no refunds of fees, including in the event of a mid-term cancellation.
Exceptional circumstances will be considered on a case by case basis limited to certain medical reasons and based on medical certificates. If a refund is given, a $30 administration fee will be charged.
Fit2Swim does not provide credit/refunds for any price difference between swim school classes if a student chooses to move class or level within the term.
Fit2Swim does not provide refunds due to forced closures, e.g. Covid-19 lockdowns. Where possible, Fit2Swim will provide a make-up or credit for any classes missed.
256 Bit Strong SSL Encryption is used to transmit sensitive data.
Fit2Swim uses Merchant Warrior, a Level 1 PCI Compliant Payment Gateway to process credit/debit card and bank account details and payments. Credit/Debit Card and bank account data is encrypted and stored in Merchant Warrior's database, is only accessible by authorised personnel, and is never stored on Fit2Swim’s servers.
Customer accounts are password protected by a password of their choosing. It is their responsibility to keep this password confidential.
Security of any data transmitted through the Internet can never be 100% guaranteed, therefore customers use Fit2Swim’s products, services, and website entirely at their own risk.
Feedback on progress for each student will be provided via the customer portal.
Any customer seeking additional feedback is encouraged to email support@fit2swim.com and Fit2Swim staff will endeavour to provide a response within 48 hours.
Students who have attained all achievements for their current level are encouraged to move to the next level immediately, including mid-term movements. Fit2Swim notifies customers when level changes are required. If the student does not move immediately they are welcome to remain in their current class/level and the teacher will aim to teach the next level skills until they move into the correct level class.
Classes cannot be changed to a different level once a student in that class is ready to move up a level. Customers must find another class for the new level. This may mean changing time and/or day. The only exception is when ALL students in the class are ready to move up at the same time.
The class maximum may be exceeded if required and different levels may be combined if required.
Fit2Swim cannot guarantee teacher requests.
Teacher continuation cannot be guaranteed term to term.
Fit2Swim reserves the right to alter class times and teachers, mid-term if required.
Students are not permitted to use the pool for recreation outside of swimming lessons.
Students are not permitted to enter the pool until instructed to do so by a Fit2Swim teacher. This will occur after all students of the previous lesson have exited the pool.
Running is not permitted anywhere on the Fit2Swim premises, especially within the pool deck area.
Strict rules apply to baby or toddler’s attire whether toilet trained or not. All children under the age of 3 years must wear a disposable swimming nappy covered by a snuggly-fitting SplashAbout Happy Nappy.
Any child older than 3 years and not toiled-trained must wear a disposable swimming nappy covered by a snuggly-fitting SplashAbout Happy Nappy.
Goggles are not required for students under 3 years. However, goggles are recommended for subsequent levels as children place their face under water for longer periods of time.
Swimming caps, nappies and goggles are available for purchase from the Fit2Swim service desk.
ALL footwear must be removed before entering the pool hall. This applies to both participants and non-participants e.g. parents.
Unisex toilets and change rooms are for customer use only, being one family at a time, on a first-come first-served basis.
Customers are requested to limit time in the change rooms and be mindful of other customers’ needs.
Showers and change rooms are for the sole use of participants immediately prior to or following their Fit2Swim activities and are not for use at any other time.
Non-participating members or a customer’s family are not permitted to use the showers or change rooms for their own purposes at any time.
Showers are limited to three minutes.
Pigeon holes are available for customer use while on the premises. Personal items are not permitted to be stored at the premises beyond the lesson time.
Fit2Swim reserves the right to refuse entry, cancel lessons, or request a person to leave the premises if that person does not behave in a responsible manner, is threatening to staff, is under the influence of drugs and or alcohol or does not adhere to the terms of service.
Students or anyone accompanying them must not attend lessons or enter Fit2Swim's premises if they have a potentially contagious illness, e.g. flu or gastro. Fit2Swim reserves the right to ask anyone attending the swim centre in this condition to leave the premises.
Customers are strictly forbidden from taking photos or videos within the Fit2Swim venue. If a customer is found to be taking photos or videos, they will be required to delete them.
Fit2Swim reserves the right to take photos of participants during activities. These photos are for Fit2Swim’s business use only which may include marketing, advertising, promotion and staff training purposes. Fit2Swim will always ask permission from the subjects in the photos or videos before using the images as stated. Fit2Swim subsequently owns these images.
Customers should provide Fit2Swim with a written request if they never want a member of their family's image to be used as stated.
Customers must supervise their children at all times they are not taking part in an activity run by a Fit2Swim teacher.
Customers use Fit2Swim amenities at their own risk, including but not limited to benches, change tables and booster chairs.
Fit2Swim takes no responsibility for any injuries to anyone on the premises.
Should an injury occur, customers permit Fit2Swim staff to administer first aid and or organise medical hospital treatment as they see necessary, at the customer’s expense.
Fit2Swim will take no responsibility for any loss, damage or theft of possession or items stored or brought into the premises by customers at any time. Personal items, including mobile phones, iPads etc brought into the premises remain the responsibility of their owner at all times.
Merchant warrior tERMS and conditions
​Client Service Agreement
Customers hereby authorise SR Global Solutions Pty Ltd ACN 132 951 172 (Direct Debit User ID number 397351) (herein referred to as "Merchant Warrior") to make periodic debits on behalf of Fit2Swim as indicated on the Direct Debit Request (herein referred to as "the Business").
Customers acknowledge that Merchant Warrior will keep any information (including their account details) in their Direct Debit Request confidential. Merchant Warrior will make reasonable efforts to keep any such information that it may have about Customers secure and to ensure that any of its employees or agents who have access to information about Customers do not make any unauthorised use, modification, reproduction or disclosure of that information.
Merchant Warrior will only disclose information that we have about Customers:
(1) to the extent specifically required by law; or
(2) for the purposes of this agreement (including disclosing information in connection with any query or claim).
Customers acknowledge that Merchant Warrior is acting as a Direct Debit Agent for the Business and that Merchant Warrior does not provide any goods or services (other than the direct debit collection services to Customers for the Business pursuant to the Direct Debit Request and this DDR Service Agreement) and has no express or implied liability in regards to the goods and services provided by the Business or the terms and conditions of any agreement that Customers have with the Business.
Customers acknowledge that the debit amount will be debited from their account according to the terms and conditions of their agreement with the Business and the terms and conditions of the Direct Debit Request (and specifically the Debit Arrangement and the Fees/Charges detailed in the Direct Debit Request) and this DDR Service Agreement.
Customers acknowledge that bank account and/or credit card details have been verified against a recent bank statement to ensure accuracy of the details provided and Customers will contact their financial institution if they are uncertain of the accuracy of these details.
Customers acknowledge that it is their responsibility to ensure that there are sufficient cleared funds in the nominated account by the due date to enable the direct debit to be honoured on the debit date. Direct debits normally occur overnight, however transactions can take up to three (3) business days depending on the financial institution. Accordingly, Customers acknowledge and agree that sufficient funds will remain in the nominated account until the direct debit amount has been debited from the account and that if there are insufficient funds available, Customers agree that Merchant Warrior will not be held responsible for any fees and charges that may be charged by either their or its financial institution.
Customers acknowledge that there may be a delay in processing the debit if:-
(1) there is a public or bank holiday on the day of the debit, or any day after the debit date;
(2) a payment request is received by Merchant Warrior on a day that is not a banking business day in Queensland;
(3) a payment request is received after normal Merchant Warrior cut off times, being 4:00pm New South Wales time, Monday to Friday.
Any payments that fall due on any of the above will be processed on the next business day.
Customers authorise Merchant Warrior to vary the amount of the payments from time to time as may be agreed by Customers and the Business as provided for within their agreement with the Business. Customers authorise Merchant Warrior to vary the amount of the payments upon receiving instructions from the Business of the agreed variations. Customers do not require Merchant Warrior to notify Customers of such variations to the debit amount.
Customers acknowledge that Merchant Warrior is to provide at least 14 days' notice if it proposes to vary any of the terms and conditions of the Direct Debit Request or this DDR Service Agreement including varying any of the terms of the debit arrangements between them.
If Customers wish to notify Merchant Warrior in writing about anything relating to this agreement, Customers should write to
Merchant Warrior
L8 345 Ann Street
Brisbane, QLD, 4000
Merchant Warrior will notify Customers by sending a notice to the preferred address or email they have provided in the Direct Debit Request.
Any notice will be deemed to have been received on the second banking day after sending. Customers acknowledge that any request by Customers to stop or cancel the debit arrangements will be directed to the Business.
Customers acknowledge that any disputed debit payments will be directed to the Business and/or Merchant Warrior. If no resolution is forthcoming, Customers agree to contact their financial institution.
Customers acknowledge that if a debit is returned by their financial institution as unpaid, a failed payment fee is payable by Customers to Merchant Warrior. Customers will also be responsible for any fees and charges applied by their financial institution for each unsuccessful debit attempt together with any collection fees, including but not limited to any solicitor fees and/or collection agent fee as may be incurred by Merchant Warrior.
Customers authorise Merchant Warrior to attempt to re-process any unsuccessful payments as advised by the Business.
Customers acknowledge that certain fees and charges (including setup, variation, SMS or processing fees) may apply to the Direct Debit Request and may be payable to Merchant Warrior and subject to their agreement with the Business agree to pay those fees and charges to Merchant Warrior.