To ensure you get a make-up session for a swimming lesson you can't attend, please follow this process
Please do not notify us of absences and/or book make-up lessons via phone, text, email or verbally to pool staff. All absences and make-ups must be booked via the Customer Portal. We deal with a very large number of students at our centre and rely on the online booking system to schedule our staff and create opportunities for you to book your make-ups. Please follow the steps in our instructional video and note the following important points:
You must register an absence before a lesson to receive a voucher, providing at least 12 hrs notice to enable others to use your spot for a make-up.
If your lesson is less than 12 hours away, you will NOT receive a make-up voucher. However, you should still note an absence so we can inform your swimming instructor that you will not be attending the lesson.
DO NOT choose the 'Change Day & Time' option. This is for moving all your remaining sessions to a different time (see below).
When looking for a space for a make-up, it is often best to check within 24 hours of the time since there are many day-before cancellations.
Our generous make-up policy allows unlimited make-ups per term and must be used by the end of that term.
There are no make-ups for Holiday Intensives. We will do our best to find an alternative time during the holiday program, but this is not guaranteed.
Please take a moment to read the Absences and Make-Up Lessons section of our Terms of Service for a detailed explanation of our make-up policy.
Moving ALL bookings for the term
You can move your term swim lesson booking to a different time. Note, this differs from cancelling a single session as you will be moving all the remaining lessons in the term to the new time. Please follow the steps in the second section of our instructional video.
